Rocks are Boring

4:41 AM

...go figure.

Jeanette and I went to the Jeju Stone Park (eye roll) to experience a boring jaunt through some old stones. Basically, someone on Jeju thought it would be a good idea to corral all the weird looking stones that can be found throughout the island in one place and call it the Jeju Stone Park. Along with some grave inaccuracies (i.e. a 'traditional' stone sink, with a hole for plumbing). There was also this hall full of odd looking stones that you could touch. And a place for stone art, where almost all of the entries looked somewhat like shit. Literally like pieces of poo. Anyway, it was a beautiful day and provided for some really great laughs and a lot of 'Only in Korea"'s. That should be a thing- Only in Korea. OiK. OK. Whatever.

I don't even remember what this was, it was so boring. I think its a map of Jeju.

"Look at all these Stones! So Stoney!"
"It really is CRAZY how many stones there are!"
cutest part of the Jeju Stone Park- this mother daughter hand holding combo. MELTING HEARTS.

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