Hair Dye

5:35 PM

interesting visor with the cape made me feel like i was on my way to an intergalactic battle 

the face of extreme disappointment and defeat

An interesting Korean experience: dying your hair. I'm not sure why I thought they would understand or have the same products that we have back home...but they did not and do not. Kevin, my hairdresser, said I couldn't go as light as I wanted to, which I was expecting, so I told him to tone it. Just keep it as is, but refreshed. Well....that turned orange. So then I sat there, fighting tears (I know it's just hair...but ugh), for the better part of an discussion with him. "Just strip it, bleach it" ... "are you sure?" ... "no. not sure. I don't want straw for hair." ... and so on. So the end result is this black look, which I've done before so it's cool. I'm an edgy wanna-be goth again. So be it. At least from the back I can maybe be mistaken for a Korean...?

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